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Tue, 25 Jan


Online event


Join us for a book presentation, followed by a discussion. Event participants will have a rare opportunity to hear the author read extracts from her book which will resonate with anyone battling with grief and the shock of the sudden loss of a loved one.


Time & Location

25 Jan 2022, 07:00 GMT

Online event

About the event

Join us for a book presentation, followed by a discussion. Event participants will have a rare opportunity to hear the author read extracts from her book which will resonate with anyone battling with grief and the shock of the sudden loss of a loved one.


“A Loss: The Story of a Dead Soldier Told by His Sister” by Dr Olesya Khromeychuk from the “Ukrainians Voices” book series is the story of one death among many in the war in eastern Ukraine. Its author is a historian of war whose brother was killed at the frontline in 2017 while serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Olesya takes the point of view of a civilian and a woman, perspectives that tend to be neglected in war narratives, and focuses on the stories that play out far away from the warzone.

Ukraine has lost 14 thousand people in the current war. By focusing on her private experience, Olesya reminds us that there are human stories behind the numbers in the news and contemplates the challenges of coming to terms with grief, trauma and changed identity.

The talk will be moderated by Dr Tetyana Vovnyanko, trustee of the British-Ukrainian Aid charity.

The talk will be in UKRAINIAN.

All funds raised throughout this event will go towards University Scholarships for Russian-Ukrainian war veterans within British-Ukrainian Aid’s ‘Reintegration through Education‘ project.

FREE with registration at eventbrite


Запрошуємо на зустріч з історикинею Олесею Хромейчук, авторкою нової книжки «Втрата. Історія мертвого солдата, розказана його сестрою». Учасники заходу матимуть рідкісну нагоду взяти участь у її обговоренні та почути, як авторка читає уривки зі своєї книги, які будуть резонувати з усіма, хто знайомий з горем і шоком від раптової втрати близької людини.

Олеся Хромейчук ділиться глибоко особистою історією втрати рідного брата на війні на Донбасі. Її зворушлива та потужна розповідь написана у мемуарно-есеїстичному жанрі та видана німецьким видавництвом ibidem-Verlag у серії «Українські голоси» під загальним керівництвом доктора філософії з політичних наук Андреаса Умланда.

У війні з зовнішнім агресором, яка розпочалася майже 8 років тому, Україна втратила 14 тисяч людей. 

Зосереджуючись на своєму особистому досвіді, Олеся нагадує нам, що за цифрами в новинах та сухими статистичними даними стоять людські історії болю та втрат, і розмірковує про свій складний та суперечливий шлях до прийняття горя та подолання травми.

Модератор заходу Тетяна Вовнянко, очільниця фонду Британсько-Української Допомоги.

Розмова буде УКРАЇНСЬКОЮ.

Усі кошти, зібрані під час цього заходу, підуть на університетські стипендії для ветеранів російсько-української війни в рамках проекту British-Ukrainian Aid «Реінтеграція через освіту».


“Grappling. I admire a book that invites me to grapple with knotty questions. Olesya Khromeychuk has written such a book–beautifully. Feminism and drones. Funerals and theater. Shrapnel and combat boots–size 8. ‘A Loss’ explores the lures of militarism at a granular level.”—Professor Cynthia Enloe, author of Nimo’s War, Emma’s War: Making Feminist Sense of the Iraq War

“Moving, intelligent, and brilliantly written, this is a sister’s reckoning with a lost brother, an émigré’s with the country of her childhood, and a scholar’s with her own suddenly acutely personal subject matter. A wonderful combination of emotional and intellectual honesty; very sad and direct but also rigorous and nuanced. It even manages to be funny.”—Anna Reid, author of Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine

“There has always been too much silence around the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine—Europe’s forgotten war. Olesya Khromeychuk refuses to bend to this silence. In vivid, intimate prose and with unflinching honesty, she introduces us to the brother she lost in the war and found in her grief. Poignant, wise, and unforgettable.”—Dr Rory Finnin, University of Cambridge

Dr OLESYA KHROMEYCHUK is a historian of east-central Europe and a Visiting Research Fellow at King’s College London. Her research focuses on the participation of women in military formations during the Second World War and in the ongoing conflict in the Donbas region. She received her PhD in History in 2011 from University College London. She is the author of “‘Undetermined’ Ukrainians. Post-War Narratives of the Waffen SS ‘Galicia’ Division” (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2013). Olesya is currently the Director of the Ukrainian Institute London.


The “Ukrainian Voices” book series includes English- and German-language monographs, edited volumes, document collections and anthologies of articles authored and composed by Ukrainian politicians, intellectuals, activists, officials, researchers, entrepreneurs, artists, and diplomats.

The series aims to introduce Western and broader audiences to Ukrainian explorations and interpretations of historic and current domestic as well as international affairs.

The purpose of these books is to familiarise non-Ukrainian readers with how some prominent Ukrainians approach, research and assess their country’s development and position in the world. The series was founded in 2019, and the volumes are collected by Andreas Umland.

We look forward to seeing you at our event!

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British-Ukrainian Aid supports people suffering from the war and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, including the injured and wounded, orphaned children, the elderly, internally displaced persons, refugees and families who have lost their main earners.

British-Ukrainian Aid is a Charity Registered in England and Wales 1164472


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